Flowers at Purandar Fort
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Topic: Flowers at Purandar Fort
Posted By: amitsamant
Subject: Flowers at Purandar Fort
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2013 at 12:57pm
२८, २९ सप्टेंबर २०१३ रोजी ट्रेक क्षितिज संस्थेचा ट्रेक पुरंदर व मल्हारगड या किल्ल्यांवर रानफुले पहाण्यासाठी गेला होता. किल्ले व फुलांचे अभ्यासक श्री.प्र.के.घाणेकर सर आमच्या सोबत असल्यामुळे किल्ल्याचा इतिहास तर जिवंत झालाच, पण फुलांची, झाडांचीही माहिती मिळाली. सप्टेंबर अखेर पुरंदर किल्ल्यावर विविध जातीची रानफुले उगवतात. त्यात काही दुर्मिळ तर काही केवळ पुरंदरवरच आढळणारी फुले पण आहेत. ट्रेकला आमच्या सोबत आलेल्या सुगंधा निमकर यांनी पुरंदरवर आढळलेल्या 84 फुलांची शास्त्रोक्त यादी बनवलेली आहे. सर्व ट्रेकर्सना ही यादी उपलब्ध करून दिल्याबद्दल सुगंधा निमकर यांचे आभार. हि यादी" rel="nofollow - वरही उपलब्ध आहे. आपण यात भर घालु शकता.
Hi Friends !!
Purandar-Sonori was a trek-cum-study tour for me.
I’ve compiled a list of flowers that we could appreciate in Purandar trek. Tried to list butterflies though I dunno know much about them .. ... The new flowers that I learnt in this trek have been marked in bold in the attached list. Sightings of 80+ flower sps including endangered Ceropegia and “Purandar-special” Geranium,, along with 6 new flowers .. .. impressive,, isn’t it ??
Thanks Chaitanya - our Leader, Tushar - our Co-Lee n TreKshitiZ for this wonderful experience !!
And thanks to Nature India for help in ID’ing a few flowers. Whatever little I know about flowers and overall bio-diversity, the lion’s share goes to Mr. Adesh Shivkar and Mr. Mandar Khadilkar of Nature India !! Their patience and knowledge sharing has definitely enriched me and brought me more closer to Mother Nature !!
Thanks & Regards Sugandha Nimkar.
Sr # Marathi Name Botanical Name Color Place Information
1 सोन कुसुम Cosmos bipinnatus Orange near Narayanpur bus depot 2 ज्योती Orthosiphon pallidus Pink-purple near Narayanpur bus depot Tulasi like plant with frangrant leaves 3 पोपटी Nicandra physalodes Mauve near Narayanpur bus depot 4 Ipomoea indica / Morning Glory Blue near Narayanpur bus depot 5 आंबुशी Oxalis debilis Pink near Narayanpur bus depot 6 दही भात Thunbergia fragrans White ghaat towards Purandar 7 हत्तीची सोंड, हळुंदा Vigna vexillata Pink ghaat towards Purandar Amazing polination mechanism 8 कुर्डू Celosia argentea Pink ghaat towards Purandar 9 तेरडा Impatiens balsamina Pink ghaat towards Purandar 10 घाणेरी, टणटणी Lantana camara Orange-yellow ghaat towards Purandar 11 Rostellularia procumbens Pink ghaat towards Purandar 12 घोडेगुई Lavandula bipinnata Blue ghaat towards Purandar square stem, aromatic leaves 13 झरवड Lagasca mollis White ghaat towards Purandar 14 भारंगी Clerodandrum serratum Blue ghaat towards Purandar 15 घायपात Agave americana Yellow Near Purandar main gate 16 बंबाकू Striga gesnerioides Pink Purandar parasite on grass roots 17 सोनकी, सोना चांदी Senecio bombayensis Yellow Purandar 18 कानपेट Commelina forsskalii Blue Purandar 19 लिचार्डी Cynoglossum zeylanicum Blue Purandar 20 निसुर्डी Adelocaryum coelestinum Purple Purandar 21 वेलमुग Vigna sublobata Yellow Purandar Amazing polination mechanism 22 चित्रक Plumbago zeylanica White Purandar 23 Euphorbia notoptera Pink Purandar 24 छोटा कल्प Trichodesma inaequale Blue Purandar upside down bell shape flowers with "modak" shaped calyx 25 गुलाबी शेवरा Alysicarpus belgaumensis Pink Throughout the trail on Purandar 26 मेडी खरचुडी Ceropegia media Pink Purandar Endangered species, holds the insect as hostage for polination 27 पिवळा तेरडा Impatiens dalzellii Yellow Purandar 28 धोल Lidenbergia muraria Yellow Purandar 29 काटेरींगणी Solanum virginianum Purple Purandar leaves with thorns 30 इंद्रनील Anagallis arvensis Blue Purandar abundance in some patches 31 निळवंती Cyanotis fasciculata Blue-purple Purandar 32 कवळा Smithia Yellow Purandar 33 बेचका Indigofera cordifolia Red Purandar 34 लाल गोधडी Indigofera linifolia Pink Purandar 35 गिरीपुष्प Geranium ocellatum Pink Purandar rare flower, Best seen at Purandar 36 नभाळी Cyanotis cristata Blue-purple Purandar 37 Cyanotis concanensis Blue-purple Purandar Biggest in cyanotis sps 38 रान जिरे Pimpinella tomentosa White Purandar 39 कारवी Carvia callosa / Hill carvi Purandar Flowering once in 7 years 40 नीलांबरी Delphinium malabaricum Blue-purple Purandar erect stem with blue flowers normally inaccessible on slopes 41 चवेणी, रान केळ Ensete superbum Purple Purandar 42 गोलगोंडा Neuracanthus sphaerostachys Pink Purandar 43 चिरे गुलाब Xylopleurum rosemum Pink Purandar 44 दुरंगी शेवरा Alysicarpus pubescens Yellow-Red Purandar 45 लाल शेवरा Alysicarpus tetragonolobus Red Purandar 46 Sopubia trifida Pink Purandar 47 उंदरी Linum mysorense Yellow Purandar 48 कुसुंबी Gynura bicolor Yellow Purandar 49 खाज कुइरी Mucuna pruriens Purandar 50 चिकना Sida acuta Yellow Purandar Being used in cancer therapy 51 पिवळा धोत्रा Argemone mexicana Yellow On way to Panase wada, Sonori 52 तरवड Cassia auriculata Yellow On way to Panase wada, Sonori 53 टाकळा Cassia tora Yellow On way to Panase wada, Sonori 54 गणेशवेल Ipomoea hederifolia Red On way to Panase wada, Sonori 55 Ipomoea triloba Pink On way to Panase wada, Sonori 56 रानभेंडी Malachra capitata Yellow On way to Panase wada, Sonori 57 निर्गुडी Vitex negundo Purple On way to Panase wada, Sonori 58 झेंडू, गोंडा Tagetes erecta Yellow On way to Panase wada, Sonori 59 संकासूर Caesalpinia pulcherrima Orange-Yellow Sonori 60 भुई-ताड Panase wada Seen the leaves 61 रुई, मांदार Calotropis gigantea Purple Panase wada 62 पांढरा धोत्रा Datura innoxia White Panase wada 63 केणा Commelina benghalensis Blue Panase wada 64 एकदांडी Tridax procumbens Yellow Panase wada 65 सोगा Galinsoga parviflora White Panase wada 66 म्हातारा Sonchus arvensis Yellow in grassland towards Sonori 67 पाथरी Launaea procumbens Yellow in grassland towards Sonori 68 सोन टिकली Pulicaria wightiana Yellow in grassland towards Sonori Erect sunflower-like flowers in abundance 69 विष्णुक्रांत Evolvulus alsinoides Blue in grassland towards Sonori 70 पुनर्नवा Boerhavia repens / Boerhavia diffusa Magenta in grassland towards Sonori 71 आग्या Striga densiflora White in grassland towards Sonori grass root parasites 72 पांढरी पुनर्नवा Boerhavia erecta White in grassland towards Sonori 73 पिवळा आग्या Striga asiatica Yellow in grassland towards Sonori grass root parasites 74 कुटकी Verbascum chinense Yello in grassland towards Sonori 75 बुरंडो Blumea lacera Yellow in grassland towards Sonori 76 Bidens biternata Yellow in grassland towards Sonori 77 कॉंग्रेस गवत Parthenium hysterophorus White in grassland towards Sonori 78 मुकणी Vigna trilobata Yellow On slopes of Sonori 79 Oldenlandia herbacea White On slopes of Sonori 80 जोडी बुरुंबी Leucas biflora White Sonori 81 तारकादल Spermacoce pusilla White Sonori 82 गोधडी Crotolaria hebecarpa Yellow Sonori 83 तिकोमा, घंटी फूल Tecoma stans Yellow Sonori 84 वर्षा राणी Monsonia senegalensis Pink Sonori
Posted By: coolsugs
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2013 at 1:12pm
Hi Friends !!
Here is my first processed photo from Purandar trek.
Posted By: amitsamant
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2013 at 7:50pm