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Panhala Vishalgad trek

Printed From: TreKshitiZ
Category: Historical and Trekking Destinations of India
Forum Name: Trekking Destinations
Forum Description: Visitors can post requests / information of any trekking destination on this globe.
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Topic: Panhala Vishalgad trek
Posted By: Rajesh
Subject: Panhala Vishalgad trek
Date Posted: 22 Aug 2012 at 4:22pm

Hi TrekshitiZ team..

I am planning for Panhalgad - Vishalgad trek on last week of August.
This time we are a group of 8 trekkers joining from Mumbai - Pune.
Can anyone please share the plan that they might have followed.
I found following map somewhere on google.
What are points where one should plan for lunch and night stay..
Thanks in advance.

Posted By: harshalmahajan
Date Posted: 22 Aug 2012 at 11:07pm
Hi Rajesh..

I am bit unsure about the number of days you are planning for.
However you can tentatively plan as following :-

Day 1 – Night Journey to Kolhapur

Day 2 - Visit Panhalgad. Save as much time as you can.           
            Descend from Pusati Buruj and move accordingly from Turukwadi to Mhasai Pathar-Mhasai Temple and then to Kumbharwadi.         
             You can have lunch at Mhasai Temple.         
             If you visit Panhalgad and start around 11.30 - 12.00 for Vishalgad, you will have to make an halt at Kumbharwadi.

Day 3 - Next day you will have to reach from Kumbharwadi to Patewadi or Pandherpani.            Depending on your team speed you can plan your lunch at any suitable village. It would be beneficial if taken at around 2 - 2.30 PM so that you can cover maximum distance before lunch.

Day 4 – On last day move towards Pavankhind and then Vishalgad. You can take late afternoon or evening transport and return back to Kolhapur.

Please let us know incase your query is not resolved.

See ya in the Hills of Sahyadri !!

Posted By: Rajesh
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2012 at 1:24pm
Thanks Harshal..
Your information would surely help me !!

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