By far I must say it’s the proudest moment for any
mom/dad to witness her/his child taking first step. It is the struggle towards
life’s journey owns their own. There is nothing as brave as such baby....
whatever we witnessed on 5th April, not only made us proud, but also
made us realize the harsh realities of life.... 
I would like to make special thanks to Mr Avinash from
Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra Mandal to provide us an unanticipated opportunity to be such
proud mom/dad for a day and to experience the most beautiful and unforgettable
memory...The safe release of Baby Turtle Hatchlings to the Sea...
It was fifth evening, after visiting Kadyavarcha Ganpati,
we, group from Kshitij were heading to Anjarle beach, just to have fun time on
Seashore and we spotted some local tourists with Mr Avinash, with bucket full
of new borns, The Hatchlings of Turtle. He almost instantaneously agreed our
request that if we can also join them in release of Hatchlings to Sea. 

interacting with him later, he told us about the problems about depliting
turtle population. The overfishing, momma turtle getting caught in fishing
nets, climate change, interference of human and change of their habitat has
caused the problems on Turtle breeding in recent years. He also told that even
when turtle moms are successful in laying eggs, biggest problem was egg
poaching by locals, sometimes dogs destroying the nests and eating eggs, some
predators and birds also used to destroy the egg nests. However, their
Organization have taken initiative to help save these turtles. Lately annual
Turtle festivals are also organised, wherein common people can witness this
beautiful moments. Its such an amazing initiative to bring strong community
involvement in conservation of nests and safe release of hatchlings to sea. The number of
volunteers have joined Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra Mandal and they monitor the
shores every day during breeding season. They visit at the time of High tide,
when momma turtle might come to lay eggs. They check if the turtle train is
there and if momma turtle laid eggs. If they find that, they move the eggs to
safe custody ie.e hatchery (fence built on the shore) and bury the eggs in the
form of nest and keep it for hatching. Breeding season is typically from
November to March, however most of nest are discovered during December and
Januray. It usually takes 45 to 60 days for eggs to hatch. The rate of Hatching
totally depends on the surrounding temprature, and by creating nest in the
Hatchery, the natural conditions are maintained and rate of the hatching is
When we
visited, 15 eggs were hatched out of 143 eggs buried in the nest. The conversion
ratio might look small(just 10%), but I believe that other eggs might also
hatch soon. Most commonly found breed that reproduce here at Kokan shores is
Olive Ridley Turtles. 15 eggs hatched at around 3 PM in the afternoon and he
decided to release them to sea almost immediately in the evening. The
Hatchlings were carried in the bucket from Hatchery and released around 25-30
ft away from the sea.
The reason why they are not directly realised in the sea,
but released 30 ft away is the Hatchlings becomes little sharper when they move
on their own. It gives them some time to understand the surrounding. It is
known fact that the female turtles when matures, comes back to same Seashore
for breeding where they were born. Probably by releasing them at 30 ft away, give
them time to help understand the magnetic fields of the geology and help them
come back to exact same location later in their life for breeding and laying