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Bahadarpur Fort FortHeight : 50 ft from MSL
Type : Land Forts Fort Range : None
District : Jalgaon Grade : Easy
      Bahadarpur is situated in Jalgaon district on the banks of Bori River somewhere between Parola and Amalner. The fort was built in 15th Century & its 40 ft strong bastion stands tall even today. This kind of bastion is very rare. But it will not last long if not conserved properly.
9 Photos available for this fort
Bahadarpur Fort
History :
      Bahadurkhan Suri built this fort in 1596. In 1751 at Bahadarpur on the banks of Bori River Nanasheb Peshwe fought against Gayakwads. In 1818 British captured this fort from Peshwa.
Fascinating Spots :

      This fort has two huge bastions & ramparts at the side of Bori River. One of the bastion is 40 ft tall. Ramparts are 20 ft high from the river basin. There is tomb near second bastion. There is a stone Inscription on the fort in Persian & Arabic, which is currently with Grampanchayat. The part of the fort nearer to village is destroyed due to encroachment.
Ways To Reach :
      1. Bahadarpur is situated in Parola Taluka of Jalgaon District. Bahadarpur is 8 Kms from Parola & on Parola-Amalner road there is Bahadarpur Phata.
2. On Dhule-Jalgaon road near Mondhane Village there is a diversion which takes us to Bahadarpur (10 Kms)
Accommodation Facility :
Food Facility :
Drinking Water Facility :
Notes :
      You can see Bahadarpur, Amalner (20 Kms) & Parola (8 Kms) in one day.
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Forts in the District of Jalgaon
 Amalner  Bahadarpur Fort  Pal Fort  Parola
 Rasalpur Sarai (Fort)  Yawal Fort (Nimbalkar Fort)