Activities performed by TreKshitiZ
Soil Removal from Mahadarvaza
Over the years heavy monsoon has caused a lot of land slides on Sudhagad. Due to this the Mahadarvaza of Sudhagad was completely filled with soil and boulders. At one point of time there was so much of debris that it was difficult even to pass through the Darvaza.
In the late 1980s, “Nisargamitra” of Panvel had carried out soil removal at Sudhagad Mahadarvaza. Today TreKshitiZ is taking that task further. Till date more than 50% of the soil is already removed and the target is to complete the removal of all the soil and debris from this entrance.
Paliwala College (Lead by Puranik Sir), Girimitra Pratishthan have also contributed to this activity.
WaterTank Cleaning Activities
Sudhagad has around 15 number of tanks in its periphery which were constructed when fort was at its reign. Team TreKshitiZ has decided to clean 3 major water tanks which are on the southern face of this fort. Many organisations like Durgmitra, Panvell and Durgmitra, Dombivili have selflessly supported and also taken this initiative further.
Cleaning of Ramparts
A lot of structure at Sudhagad is still intact. Many walls, including the ramparts at the Maha- and the Chordarvaza are in good condition. However, these walls are getting destroyed due to the growth of shrubs and even big trees on them. The force exerted by the roots of these trees is at times so great, that even stone bricks weighing hundreds of kilos are actually lifted from their locations.
In order to prevent further damage to these structures, removal of this vegetation from the walls is undertaken from time to time.
Today any single tree, either saved or planted is of great value. Keeping this in mind plantation activity is undertaken during group treks at the end of the summer season.
A library has been set up at Pachchhapur, which is the base village for Sudhagad. This library was established by the joint efforts for Kshitiz Groups and the Paliwala College, Pali. Space for the library is provided by Shri Ghosalkar, who runs a school at Pachchhapur.
Following exploration work is done so far -
a. Finding of an almost unknown Buruz on the eastern side.
b. Accessing the Buruz (Bastian) on Dhondase side. This Buruz has a “duheree” (double) construction and very beautiful carvings.
c. Accessing the Buruz opposite to the Chor Darvaza. Due to landslides this Buruz has become less accessible. Present approach has a lot of scree on it, and hence a bit risky. So better not to be tried alone / without proper knowledge.
d. Various ways to reach top - There are four different routs to reach the top of Sudhagad from its base. (1. through Mahadarvaza, 2. through Chordarvaza, 3. from Thakurvadi, 4. through the gorge between “Bolate Kade”). All are easy climbs.
e. Sudhagad Pradakshina - A very interesting and easy trek