How is Sudhagad Project being executed?
Sudhagad project is an official activity undertaken by the Kshitiz Group.
Co-ordination Team
Any such project needs a lot of planning and organization. This activity can be done effectively, if a small group of people is assigned to it.
Keeping this in mind, a “Co-ordination Team” was set up in September 2005.
Task of this team is to meet regularly and to make all the planning and organization required to execute the project.
Practically, any individual - whether a member of Kshitiz group or not - can be part of the co-ordination team, provided he / she is willing to work on the project more or less regularly on mid / long term.
However, setting up of the team does not mean that all the activities are carried out only by the co-ordination team members. In fact, for actual execution of various activities in the project, a support from as many individuals as possible is required. Any person, who is interested in contributing to this project, can take part for any of the activity treks.
Financial Support
Fort conservation needs money. In the initial phase of the project, the interested individuals used to gather their own contribution to execute various tasks. (E.g. for employing labour in removal of soil from the Mahadarvaza).
However, as the Kshitiz Group is now a registered NGO, individuals / organizations interested in fort conservation can donate money directly to the group, which will be used specifically for this purpose.
Local Support
Money is one thing. But any fort conservation project can not be successful without gathering support from the local people.
In that regard this project has been quite lucky from the beginning. The project is supported by many local residents. Especially Shri Puranik (vice Principal at the J.N.Paliwala College, Pali) and his motivated students have been with the project from its initial stage. Continuation of this project without such local support is unthinkable.