Structure of Sudhagad Project
The project is sub-divided in to following activities -
A. Conservation
Conservation of Sudhagad fort is the primary aim of this project. There are many reasons like growth of plants on ramparts, flow of water, accumulation of soil and human intervention that are causing gradual disintegration of the structures on Sudhagad.
The primary aim of this project is to minimize further deterioration of the structures that are still intact.
Restoration is also a part of conservation. However, presently there are many limitations like lack of expertise, unavailability of funding mechanism for such restoration work and foremost the restrictions in altering the historical sites. Hence restoration is presently not a part of the project
B. Exploration
Though Sudhagad was under good maintenance till India’s independence, a lot of construction is now covered by jungle. Also, many structures are getting buried under soil or have become inaccessible due to land slides. Hence some areas on Sudhagad are either not known to exist anymore or, due to the lack of accessibility, are known to very few individuals.
If maximum structures on Sudhagad are to be conserved, first we should also know, what all exists there. For this reason exploration is also a part of the Sudhagad project. Along with the activities being performed for the conservation of the site, special exploration treks are also carried out to know more about this beautiful fort.
C. Supporting Activities
A lot many activities like plantation, study of the plants and animals in that region etc can be taken up when one visits a fort like Sudhagad. As activities like plantation are of great importance today, the project also involves carrying out such supportive activities, which can be easily clubbed with the fort conservation treks.
D. Social Support
Most of the forts in the Sahyadris are in remote areas. Many times the local residents do not have access to jobs, education or medical facilities like we have in the cities. Visiting these areas, a sensitive mind would always try to think, “What can I do for these people?” Conservation of any fort ignoring the people inhabiting the surrounding areas will be inhumane. That’s why social activity is also a part of Sudhagad project. E.g. In November 2005 a library was set up Pachchhapur, the base village for Sudhagad.